
Case Study – Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for Maintenance of IFCI Website by ADG Online Solutions


The Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) required ongoing maintenance and support for its website to ensure its smooth operation and functionality. ADG Online Solutions was awarded the Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the maintenance of the IFCI website.


  1. Website Maintenance: Ensure the IFCI website remains operational and up-to-date with the latest content and features.
  2. Technical Support: Provide technical support to address any issues or bugs that may arise on the website.
  3. Content Management: Assist with content management and updates on the website as required.
  4. Security Updates: Apply security updates and patches to protect the website from vulnerabilities.
  5. Regular Backups: Conduct regular backups of the website data to prevent data loss.


  1. Regular Maintenance: ADG Online Solutions conducted regular maintenance activities, including software updates, plugin updates, and performance optimization.
  2. Technical Support: The team provided technical support to address any issues or bugs reported by IFCI or identified during routine maintenance.
  3. Content Management: ADG assisted with content management, including updating news, events, and other relevant information on the website.
  4. Security Updates: Security updates and patches were applied regularly to protect the website from security threats.
  5. Regular Backups: ADG conducted regular backups of the website data to ensure data integrity and prevent loss in case of any issues.



  1. Smooth Operation: The AMC ensured the IFCI website remained operational and functioned smoothly without any major disruptions.
  2. Timely Issue Resolution: Technical support provided by ADG ensured that any issues or bugs on the website were addressed promptly, minimizing downtime.
  3. Up-to-date Content: ADG’s assistance with content management helped keep the website’s content up-to-date and relevant.
  4. Improved Security: Regular security updates and patches applied by ADG helped protect the website from security vulnerabilities.
  5. Data Integrity: Regular backups conducted by ADG ensured that the website data was protected and could be restored in case of any data loss.


ADG Online Solutions’ Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for the maintenance of the IFCI website ensured its smooth operation, timely issue resolution, and improved security. The regular maintenance activities, technical support, and content management assistance provided by ADG helped keep the website up-to-date and secure, benefiting IFCI and its stakeholders.